Lister Academy Costa Rica Class - Hailey
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
My Project
This is my Costa Rica side of the project that shows some flowers and some facts about them.
This is the middle part of my project that shows the flowers that grow in both Costa Rica and NH.
This is the NH side of the poster where I talk about the NH flowers and list some facts about them.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
We Have Arrived
We got to our destination and were amazed by it. It was big with five pillars, two amazingly big windows, a wooden door with windows on each side, six plants in what looks like dog-like pots. Hanging off the roof on the side of the house were three plants. Our hostess, Reina, and her beautiful daughter, Nacy, greeted us at the door with big smiles. They led us to our cabin and it looked like a small yellow house – almost identical to hers. We went in and almost all the girls fell asleep within three hours. The rest of the group ended up going grocery shopping. The rest of the group came back and went to sleep, so overall the first day went well.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The News
Papa Ginos Fundraiser Night

Airline Tickets!

U.S AIRWAYS in Boston on April 6th! Now the trip feels more real to me because sometimes it felt like we where just talking about going, but now our names are on the tickets! It will be my first time on a plan for that i am both excited and nerves! The trip will be about a 7 hour plane ride and then 3 hours to get to the top of Monteverde. I think about this trip almost everyday and cant wait to finally get there! We still need a little bit more money to make our goal we are currently at $13,6000 we would like to get to $15,000 if you would like to help and make our goal happen you could send a check to 35 Sherburne Road, Portsmouth NH-03801.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Passport and planning

I am very excited to say that over Christmas vacation I got my passport! The trip is getting close and as it gets closer I get more excited but I also get a little nervous as well. Our class has recently started to plan out what we are going to do wile in Costa Rica and when we are going to do it. We are planning on leaving on April 6th and coming back around the 16th.
While in Costa Rica we are planning to stay in Monteverde for about 6 days and then leave to go to the coast for a few days. I am most excited to go to the coast because I love the beach. I would love to be able to go on a nice boat. Some of my peers in the class would really like to go Scuba diving so I was thinking maybe that could tie into the boat ride.
We are getting closer to our trip but we are still a little bit short on the money. We currently have $13,500 and we are looking to get about $15,000. If you would like to donate to us please contact our website or send a check to 35 Sherburne Road Portsmouth NH 03801. Please have checks made out to Lister Academy Costa Rica Class.
thanks for taking time to read this please keep checking for more. I will be updating a lot!